Category Archives: Phil Cannella Complaints

Phil Cannella Complaints – Phil Cannella Complaints Address the Benefits of Fixed Deferred Annuities – Phil Cannella Complaints

Phil Cannella Complaints, Phil Cannella Lawsuit, Phil Cannella Reviews Phil Cannella appreciates that many consumers are wary of annuities. It is not surprising that it is so when so many financial advisors recommend these products to consumers when it is not the best product for their given situation. Having said that, Phil Cannella also indicates that there are times when annuities, specific annuities are good for the consumers. For example, for some clients, depending on their needs and their goals a fixed deferred annuity might Read More +

Phil Cannella Complaints – Phil Cannella Complaints Discusses Life Expectancy in Insurance Products – Phil Cannella Complaints

Phil Cannella Complaints, Phil Cannella Lawsuit, Phil Cannella Reviews Phil Cannella will tell you that your life expectancy plays the single largest role in determining your premium in certain insurance products, specifically life insurance. A great resource that Phil Cannella uses when working with clients is Investopedia. This resource is packed full with great information along the same educational line that Phil Cannella uses. According to Investopedia, Life expectancy is defined as the age to which a person is expected to live. It can also Read More +

Phil Cannella Complaints: Phil Cannella Teaches Why You Should Crash Proof Your Retirement – Phil Cannella Complaints

Phil Cannella Complaints Phil Cannella Complaints – Phillip Cannella Complaints: Phil Cannella Complaints, considers himself a financial lifesaver, primarily because he teaches people what no one else is teaching. What you’ve probably been taught is to save for retirement. You’ve been given tips for building up your nest egg. You’ve sacrificed part of your paycheck each week to save, and if you’re getting close to retirement, you’re probably thinking, “I did it! I’m almost there! Soon I can relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor.” Phillip Cannella Complaints Read More +